null Extended capacity range of Spinchiller4 series (WSAN-YSC4)
Spinchiller4 (WSAN-YSC4) series is the new air cooled heat pump for outdoor installation, with R32 refrigerant and Multiscroll technology.
WSAN-YSC4 series is available with two energy versions Excellence (EXC) and Premium (PRM), with a capacity range from 670 up to 1260 kW.
The Excellence (EXC) version is distinguished by its very high seasonal efficiency, offering SEER values up to 4.86.
The Premium (PRM) version offers high seasonal efficiency values, SEER up to 4.64.
Further strengths
Low environmental impact solution
The use of R32 refrigerant, with a low GWP (Global Warming Potential = 675), guarantees an environmental impact that is one third compared to traditional R-410A refrigerant (GWP = 2088).
Advanced technology
Multiscroll technology and high-efficiency EC fans with continuous speed regulation are some of the technologies available on Spinchiller4, which offers:
- Perfectly match the cooling load of the plant in any condition
- Follow the load also with a great staging
- Ensure high efficiency values, reducing operating costs
Low noise operation
The WSAN-YSC4 series offers 3 acoustic levels, without changing the unit dimensions:
- Standard acoustic configuration (ST): basic version
- Acoustic configuration with compressor soundproofing (SC): -4/-5 dB (A) compared to ST
- Super-silenced acoustic configuration (EN): -8/-9 dB (A) compared to ST
Maximum adaptability
The 4 refrigeration circuits, the capacity regulation up to 16 steps, an hot water production up to +55°C and a wide operating range in heating down to -15°C of external air temperature, are able to satisfy the requirement of multiple operating conditions.
Plate or shell and tube exchanger
The WSAN-YSC4 series offers the possibility to choose the type of the user side heat exchanger: Plate heat exchanger (standard choice), or Shell and tube heat exchanger.
This new solution is recommended for all applications where the fluid has impurities.
Hydronic assemblies
The hydronic assemblies available in the WSAN-YSC4 series are:
- 2PM: Hydropack with 2 on/off pumps (parallel operation)
- 2PMV: Hydropack with 2 inverter pumps (parallel operation)
- 1P1SB: Hydropack with 1+1 on/off pump (1 pump in stand by)
- 1P1SBV: Hydropack with 1+1 inverter pump (1 pump in stand by)
Unlike the WSAN-XSC3 260.8-480.8 series where a hydronic assembly is installed for each half unit, in the WSAN-YSC4 the hydronic assembly is unique for the entire unit, obtaining an economic advantage and a simplification of the hydraulic connections.
Single power supply
The unit is equipped with 2 electrical panels, 1 Master and 1 Slave.
Only Master electrical panel must be connected to the electrical network.
The Slave electrical panel receives power directly from the Master panel.
Compliant with the European requirements
WSAN-YSC4 is conforming today with the requirements of the Commission Regulation 2281:2016, with both energy versions Excellence and Premium.
Perfect for LEED
All Excellence models satisfy prerequisites 2 and 3 of Energy and Environment thematic area. Furthermore, they match the parameters of Credit 4 that allows to achieve 2 points (Leed 2009). The correlated data are included in the technical bulletin.
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